Loading program into debugger…
Program loaded.
[Switching to process 30368]
Encountered a Time Portal, type Creek
Encountered a Time Portal, type Alley
Debugger stopped.
Program exited with status value:0.
// TimeTravelProtocol.m
// Based on page 161 Holzner Quick Start Book
// Created by xxxxx on 11/11/10.
// Copyright 2010 __xxx__. All rights reserved.
// page 155 The Point of using Protocols
// Protocols let me specifiy a method or methods that can be used in multiple classes.
// Protocols let me declare methods and to define the implementation in the class
// Protocols let me make sure
// that all my derived classes implement the same methods - though the implementation may be different
// In this project I create a 'printing' protocol, which I can include in the interface files of other classes
// it ADDS 'print' to their interfaces
// I can implement the print method a different way for each class
// NOTE IMPORTANT: IN PREVIOUS EXAMPLES I would have included the
// (void) print;
// in the .h files associated with each class alley.h and creek.h) - but now this is only in printing. h
// So I can be sure that my derived classes will inherit this method from their base classes
// Apparently this is how Objective-C fakes out multiple inheritance too - but I don't know exactly how to make that
// happen yet from multiple parents at the same level....
// Another way this book does something like this, is with prototypes
// that is BEFORE it moved onto object-oriented methods
// and is back on page 63 'a function prototype is also called a function declaration,
// as opposed to a definition, which includes the body of the function
#import <stdio.h>
#import "Creek.h";
#import "Alley.h";
int main(void) {
Creek *c = [Creek new];
[c print];
Alley *c2 = [Alley new];
[c2 print];
return 0;
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